When Everything Matters, Nothing Does


Do you ever find yourself having one of those days, or one of those weeks…where you have so much on your plate that you’re in a constant state of overwhelm? No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get caught up, yet at the same time, you can’t seem to find any one thing you can let go of.

If that’s you, I get it. That used to be me too. 

When we try to give equal importance and attention to every aspect of our lives, it can lead to a sense of overwhelm and a dilution of significance. Prioritization and focus are essential for meaningful and impactful experiences.

When you let all things become a priority, then nothing really is. Think about it…if everything on your to-do-list is a high priority, how can any one thing truly be of the utmost importance?

We live in a day and age where instant gratification is commonplace, and everyone is in such a hurry that we have unconsciously adopted the mindset that more is better, being busy makes us important, and being productive makes us valuable. But that mindset creates a false sense of reality and of ourselves. Who you are is not rooted in what you do, and having long to-do lists doesn’t make you important. They make you tired, overwhelmed, irritable…and sick.

There is a better way. An easier way. A more peaceful way. You can create your life to look and feel exactly as you choose. You don’t have to choose overwhelm, exhaustion, and constant busyness. Even if that’s how the “Joneses” or “Kardashians” are living, you can choose not to compare yourself or feel inferior for not keeping up.

Trust me…..you can choose to live your best life, in a way that suits you the best. You truly can!

If you’re like me, you may want to do everything on your list yourself because a) it’s easier to do (said task) yourself, or b) no one can do (said task) as well or as fast as you can. But is that really true? Aren’t there some things that you can delegate and let go of?

It’s more beneficial to ask yourself, “How do I want to feel today?” rather than, “How much can I get done today?” Asking better questions always creates better answers. Is it more important to have an amazing day, or to get all things done?

Personally, I choose peace and harmony over overwhelm whenever I can. I still get a ton of things done, but just not all things. And that’s ok. I’ve learned to give myself grace and not be so hard on myself.  And you know what, all is still well in my world. It will be in yours too.

Here are some suggestions to simplify and focus on what matters most:

1.     Prioritize Identify the most important aspects of your life and prioritize accordingly. Let go of the unimportant and unnecessary. What’s left are the things that truly matter and contribute to your overall well-being.

2.     Avoid Perfectionism Striving for perfectionism can be exhausting and counterproductive. Recognize that perfection is often unattainable, and some tasks may require more time, attention, and effort than others.

3.     Simplify Decision-Making Streamline your decision-making process by concentrating on the most critical choices. Avoid getting bogged down by trivial decisions that may not significantly impact your overall goals.

4.     Quality over Quantity Emphasize the quality of your efforts rather than spreading yourself too thin. Concentrate on doing a few things exceptionally well rather than trying to do everything and end up with a mediocre outcome.

5.     Stay Focused Don’t get bogged down by trivial decisions that won’t impact your overall goals. Keep your focus on what truly matters most.

6.     Stay Mindful Practice living in the present moment by being mindful. This will reduce the mental clutter and distractions that come from worrying about everything all at once.

7.     Set Boundaries Establish clear boundaries to prevent yourself from taking on too much. Learn to say no when necessary and recognize your limitations.

8.     Balance Strive for a healthy balance in all aspects of your life. Balancing priorities can help prevent burnout and allow you to maintain a sense of fulfillment.

The idea is to be intentional and mindful about where you invest your time, energy, and attention. By acknowledging that not everything carries equal weight and significance, you can create a more focused and purposeful approach to your life while leaving the stress and anxiety behind.

Wishing you love, laughter, connection, and joy in all things.

XO ~ Tara

LifestyleTara Leigh