How to Calm Anxiety

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Anxiety is the most common form of mental illness in the United States and affects approximately 40 million people. Anxiety affects both men and women, but statistically, women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety than men are.

The good news is, anxiety is a very treatable condition.

With so many people suffering from anxiety, it’s interesting that so many of those people still feel alone in their suffering, and are uncomfortable or even embarrassed talking about it. If you’re one of those people who keeps your anxiety hidden or feels like no one would understand what you’re going through, know that you are not alone. Try opening up to people and I bet you will quickly find that there are many people who can relate. By opening up, you may even be able to help someone else who is suffering because you will understand first-hand what they are going through.

One of the best things you can do when you’re feeling anxious is to recognize how you’re feeling and trust that you can get through it. Don’t beat yourself up or blame yourself for it. Shift your focus from your anxious feelings to your breathing. Concentrate on breathing in and out slowly and centering yourself. If you’re in a spot where you can close your eyes, sit still, focusing on your breathing for a few minutes. Release all thoughts and clear your mind. Visualize something that brings you joy or makes you feel at peace. Keep your focus on the present moment, not on a future moment. Anxiety is usually rooted in something that hasn’t happened yet and is a fear of what might come, so as much as you can stay centered in the present moment, the better off you will be.

There are many other things you can do to shift your focus, calm your mind, and change your state. You can practice meditation, engage in regular exercise, healthy eating, spirituality, and anything positive that makes you feel good. You can’t feel anxious when you’re feeling good, so find ways to feel good more often!

If your anxiety feels too overwhelming for you to handle on your own, by all means, get some help. Don’t be afraid to seek out help as often as needed. Talk to your doctor, therapist, friend, coach, or family member. Be honest about what you’re going through in order to get the help that you need. Take it one day at a time and know that this too shall pass. I guarantee you, it will. You’re not alone, and you’re stronger than you think.

LifestyleTara Leigh