How Much Stress is Too Much?


What is a “normal” amount of stress?  Is one amount of stress okay for you and another amount ok for me? Or is no amount ok for either of us? And what exactly does stress look like and how does it affect us?

So often we say, or we hear someone else say, “I’m so stressed out” or “I’ve had such a stressful day.”  Those types of phrases have become commonplace in society, and those words are spoken so freely without much thought. But just the mere act of saying “I’m stressed” brings dis-ease to the body, as our bodies are impacted by the words that we speak. Stress has become the norm for so many of us that it’s running on autopilot throughout our bodies 24/7.

Stress is not some badge of honor to be worn with pride, yet everyone seems to be wearing it boldly as such. It’s actually a different kind of badge…more like a voice if you will… one that says, “I’m living out of sync with what my mind, body, and spirit needs.”  

I encourage you to listen to that voice. Think of that voice as your personal stress meter.  And rather than talk about your stress (or wear that false badge of honor), find ways to minimize it.

Stress can wreak havoc in our lives in so many ways. It can cause us to become angry and lose our temper with our loved ones. It can cause us to lose interest in our regular activities, to become unfocused at work, and be uninterested in things we normally enjoy. It can cause physical ailments such as chest pain and stomach pain, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. It can cause us to feel anxious and on edge. It can cause us to lose interest in sex, and distance ourselves from those we love.

What is stress exactly? We say the word so freely but how often do we stop to think about what it really means? Stress in the simplest form is a feeling of anxiousness and worry over a situation or event that we believe we have little or no control over. Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. Often it’s rooted in a future event that we’re uncertain what the outcome will be.

If we look at the pandemic as an example, for over 2 years now we’ve had the uncertainty of the virus, the new variants, the vaccines, boosters, mask mandates, businesses closing, job loss, financial uncertainty, and so forth…most of which has been out of our control. In addition, all of the contradicting information that has been thrown at us has left us feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, anxious, and in some instances, helpless. This is a recipe for stress.

But here’s where I am going to throw you a curveball and challenge that our situations create stress. They only create stress IF WE ALLOW them to.  We don’t have to allow ourselves to take on the stress. We get to choose what we focus on, what we label as stressful, and what type of mindset we have. We don’t have to buy into everyone else’s drama or adopt everyone else’s beliefs. We can choose peace and happiness EVERY DAY regardless of the situations around us. It’s not always easy, but it is always possible.

I’d love to help you regain a sense of calm, reduce the stress in your life, stop buying into everyone else’s fear, and take back your power.

Here are 15 tips you can utilize right away:

  1. Stop watching the news (seriously, you will survive just fine without it) – If you feel you cannot live without it (you’re wrong, you can) limit your time to only watching it in the middle of the day – do not wake up to the stress of it or go to bed to the stress of it.

  2. Exercise – Preferably outside in the fresh air, every day, even if it’s just a 10-minute walk.

  3. Eat healthily – Limit your intake of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

  4. Stop overthinking things – Make decisions quickly and confidently.

  5. Stop talking about your problems – Start talking about the solutions to your problems.

  6. Laugh, alone or with a friend – Laughter shifts your energy and elevates your mood.

  7. Take a hot bath – Hot water is proven to be a great stress reliever (adding Epsom salt is great too).

  8. Light a candle – Scented or unscented, both will bring about a sense of calm.

  9. Unplug – Yep, I said it – No TV, cell phone, social media, etc. even if it’s for just an hour a day.

  10. Journal – “Brain dump” for 10 minutes every morning and 10 minutes every evening. Stop thinking and start writing.

  11. Listen to music – Relaxing, upbeat, classical, pop, country…whatever you enjoy, turn that dial and start listening.

  12. Give thanks – Gratitude goes a long way in reducing stress.

  13. Live in the moment – When you are focused on the “now” you will realize you have everything you need, and you are safe.

  14. Give back – Shifting your mindset from your problems to helping someone else with theirs is a wonderful way to feel better while serving someone else at the same time.

  15. Declutter your mind – Sit in silence, meditate, let go of all the excess, unnecessary, and unhealthy thoughts that are running through your mind. This will create space in your life for what truly matters most.

I wish you love, laughter, connection, and joy in all things.

XO ~ Tara Leigh


LifestyleTara Leigh